
Do you need valuable information on recycling services, tips and ideas you can use now? Click here to learn the best practices.


3 Tips To Help Maximize Your Payday At Your Local Scrap Metal Yard

19 September 2022
, Blog

Not only can hauling your old scrap metal down to the junk yard help to free up some much-needed space in your home or garage, but it can also help to put some much-needed cash in your pocket. This is especially true when choosing to use the three tips below to help ensure you get every dollar you can when making a trip to your local scrap metal yard.  Tip #1: Always Take The Time To Sort Your Metal
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Incoporating Reycling Into Your Business’s Operations

23 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Incorporating recycling options in your business's waste management plan can be an important way of helping to benefit the environment as it can minimize the amount of waste that your business is contributing to local landfills. While many small, medium and large businesses may want to incorporate these options into their operations, they may not know the best practices for making this change. Assess The Type Of Recyclable Waste That Your Business Will Generate
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3 Grease Trap Issues To Be On The Lookout For

25 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you run a commercial kitchen, you more than likely have a grease trap in place. In many areas, grease traps are required by law for commercial kitchens and restaurants. A grease trap is designed to operate in the background, collecting grease and cleaning the grease every few months. However, sometimes a grease trap can malfunction. That is why you should be aware of any issues that could develop if you have a grease trap in your kitchen.
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Tips & Tricks To Help You Earn More When Selling Scrap Metal

9 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you are looking to earn a bit of extra cash, a trip to your local scrap yard could be just the money-making venture that you are looking for. With scrap yards consistently offering cash in exchange for metals that can be recycled, not only will hauling some old junk metal down to your local scrap yard help keep these items out of your local landfills, it could also result in a rather nice paycheck for yourself.
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Types Of Recycled And Reclaimed Aggregates For Your Landscape

30 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Landscape rocks and similar types of aggregates can be a great choice for attractive, low-maintenance mulches. You can also use these types of products in hardscaped areas such as pathways.  A rock mulch can be extra eco-friendly since it can help to block water evaporation and thus reduce the amount of water needed for the garden beds where it's placed. But you can make your mulch even more eco-friendly by choosing a recycled rock product.
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About Me
Love to Recycle? Find Valuable Tips and Information Here

If you love to recycle plastics, paper, wood, and just about anything you can get your hands on, keep reading. I'm much like you. I do my best to help the environment and save our natural resources by recycling as much as I can. But I didn't always have it so easy. I couldn't find a recycling service that worked for me. Some places only pick up paper, while others only recycle glass. Finally, I found a service that picks up and recycles everything. My blog offers valuable information on recycling services, tips and ideas you can use now. Good luck and thanks for stopping by.