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5 Ways To Teach Your Kids To Be Eco-Friendly

4 April 2016
, Articles

One aspect of raising conscientious children is teaching them the importance of taking care of the earth. Many kids tend to have a natural love for the outdoors and for helping out, which can easily translate to being environmentally responsible. Teaching your kids to be more green can also be a fun bonding experience. Here are five ideas for raising eco-friendly children: Let Them Earn Money by Recycling Cans A fun way to teach your kids about recycling and money at the same time is to encourage them to collect aluminum cans and sell them at a local aluminum recycling center like Main Street Fibers.
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Love to Recycle? Find Valuable Tips and Information Here

If you love to recycle plastics, paper, wood, and just about anything you can get your hands on, keep reading. I'm much like you. I do my best to help the environment and save our natural resources by recycling as much as I can. But I didn't always have it so easy. I couldn't find a recycling service that worked for me. Some places only pick up paper, while others only recycle glass. Finally, I found a service that picks up and recycles everything. My blog offers valuable information on recycling services, tips and ideas you can use now. Good luck and thanks for stopping by.